Ska Fighter II Fest. 2025 Area 7 vs. No Idea
Ska Fighter II Fest. 2025 Area 7 vs. No Idea

Ska Fighter II Fest. 2025 Area 7 vs. No Idea

Gasometer Downstairs (Collingwood, VIC)
Saturday, 22 February 2025 12:00 pm
8 days away
18 Plus

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Ska Fighter II brings together some of Australia’s best veteran and up and coming Ska Punk bands at the Gaso to take the fight to Family and Domestic Violence in association with Berry St, with donations from every ticket sold going to charity.

Proudly supported by Jack Daniels and Moon Dog craft Brewery the inaugural Ska Fighter II Festival’s headline event will pit Ska Punk Veterans Area-7 against Street Punk Champions No Idea in a sonic brawl that has been bubbling away since the 1990’s and will come to a head in what is set to make the Tyson vs. Jake Paul fight look like a bought and paid for tea party, club sandwiches and all.

See off the summer in style with cold drinks flowing, and ska punk blasting from...

...TopNovil (Wollongong)
Steppin’ Razor (Sydney)
Radshack (Brisbane)
Operation Ibis (Sydney)
The Kittyhawks (Melbourne)
Admiral Ackbar’s Dishonourable Discharge (Melbourne)
The Murderballs (Melbourne)
Brodown (Melbourne)
The Donald Trumpets (Perth)
Side Splitter (Melbourne)
Modus Fire (Sydney)
Outta Spite (Melbourne)
S*I*D (Melbourne/Brisbane)...

...all the way up to the main event.

Early bird tickets available until 20.01.2025 so act quickly.