Mosette Debut with special guests, Dream Journal and Ellen James
Mosette Debut with special guests, Dream Journal and Ellen James
The Gasometer Hotel Presents

Mosette Debut with special guests, Dream Journal and Ellen James

Gasometer (Upstairs) (Collingwood, VIC)
Thursday, 20 February 2025 7:30 pm
6 days away
18 Plus
Australian Artists

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After a (super long) songwriting hiatus, Mosette (formerly known as Lacuna) is returning to the stage as a three-piece to get you grooving, moving and crying. That’s right, sad girl songs turned pop will soothe your soul with music of feminine power, rage and love. Special guests Dream Journal, lull you with their moody dream pop siren songs, and Ellen James will have your heart crying with her undiluted story-telling and songwriting.