Clio Renner 'Don't Hurry the Dance' Album Launch
Clio Renner 'Don't Hurry the Dance' Album Launch
The Gasometer Hotel Presents

Clio Renner 'Don't Hurry the Dance' Album Launch

Gasometer Downstairs (Collingwood, VIC)
Thursday, 27 March 2025 7:30 pm
12 days away
18 Plus
Australian Artists

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Clio celebrates the release of her sophomore album, Don’t Hurry the Dance, with a special live performance at the Gasometer Hotel on March 27. A collection of songs born from the turbulence of the pandemic, the album explores themes of transformation, resilience, and self-discovery, all wrapped in Clio’s distinctive blend of genres and styles. 
Don’t miss this chance to experience Clio's captivating live show and the launch of a record that is set to leave its mark. Joined by very special guests, Lewis Coleman and Imogen Cygler, it will be a treasured night showcasing some of Naarm's most unique and distinctive songwriters.