Blind at The Gaso
Blind at The Gaso
The Gasometer Hotel Presents

Blind at The Gaso

Gasometer Downstairs (Collingwood, VIC)
Thursday, 13 March 2025 7:00 pm
1 day away
18 Plus
Australian Artists
Heavy Metal

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An industrial metal band from Naarm, \\SOMETHING:BLIND formed in a stuffy South Melbourne basement late 2023. Drawing sounds ranging from nu metal to prog, \\SOMETHING:BLIND have a diverse array of songs appealing to metal-heads and rock aficionados alike.


If you're into heavy, moshable music with melodic undertones, come and see ‘blind at the gaso’ - \\SOMETHING:BLIND, backed with screamo band ‘all that’s left you’ and the hard rock powerhouse ‘SHAKESPEARE’, at The Gasometer Hotel on the 13th of March!