Greg Allan featuring Carnegie Falls
Greg Allan featuring Carnegie Falls

Greg Allan featuring Carnegie Falls

Gasometer (Upstairs) (Collingwood, VIC)
Wednesday, 26 June 2024 7:30 pm
10 days away
18 Plus

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Playing a collection of original songs as well as covers ranging from The Velvet Underground to Radiohead to Kendrick Lamar, this eclectic set by Greg Allan is one you do not want to miss.
CARNEGIE FALLS are Kim Beissel and Richard Holt playing original songs from the Indie Folk Underground in Naarm/Melbourne. 
Their first two singles were released in 2023.  “I Don’t Wanna Fight” is a song of reconciliation, and  “L’Uomo Vogue” is a summer ode to our inner fashionista.  Their debut EP, produced by Lilith Lane, is coming soon...